Wednesday 19 November 2008


So, sleep deprived and with that odd pit-fall feeling in my stomach, the one you get when you are so far past exhausted it just gets riddiculous. Like, you know, falling asleep at the train station. In. You know. Major hectic cities.


Just wanted to put this out there tonight, before the stroke of midnight turns us into another day of hope and misery.

Hope dangles on a string
Etched to these walls
it lingers amidst sin and pain and
far away your voice is an echo
of the past, the future a distant page untouched
Hope looks ahead
silver chains shattering like frozen rain
whatever comes beyond this moment will be
but hope dangles on a string
so thin it becomes us
thick enough to endure
Somedays you want nothing more than the clock to pause and halt the un pending changes that await us around the corner. Life strolls along, smiling at the good and the bad and inevitably we do to...
Didn't mean to get philosophical. Exhausted, drained, shattered, remember? Plus chocolate... I'll just, be over there *points * in the bed.

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