Wednesday 31 December 2008

Happy New Year!!

Resolutions & Stuff... That should be the title, but happy new years sounds so much more... festive and stuff!

Okay, so basically, it's been an upside-down year, with a lot of amazing things and a lot of not great moments. Over all, it's been educational, and to sum it up I wouldn't really want to trade it. I'd want to change so much, but since the time machine has yet to be invented (and it'd just mess thins up in the end)...

So, lessons learned? Home is where the heart is, no matter where in the world you may be at the time. And life is beautiful, and chances are worth taking, because sometimes they pay off. And if nothing else, you'll have more peace in your heart if you go after whatever it is that's making your butterflies jump (career/family/friends/romantically-wise). I can't believe how far everyone's come. I'm so proud of my family and my friends (shut up, I'm having a chick-flick moment!) for everything they've done, and everything I know they'll still accomplish.

It's amazing how distance really does make the heart grow fonder, and after some time you start wonderin what's really important in life. I moved this year, 1285 miles (or 2068 km) away from what used to be home. According to google maps, that's about a 22 hour drive. It makes your think, about a lot of things. I also learnt that kids only grow up once (duh douche), and that it really makes all the difference in the world what you do with those precious moments you spend with them. Remember when they used to say 'kids are the future' and talk about us? Hah, new generation's come and made us old! But anyways :). I learned that my slight problem with staying put isn't going to go away before I figure out how and where to make the pieces fall together. They just haven't quite yet, but I'm ok with that. Work in progress dammit!

Oh, and it's worth chasing after your dreams. Otherwise, you might just end up regretting something, and that's quite a burden to bear... Then again, sometimes your dream changes, and gets split in two vastly different geographical locations. Or three... Turns out you might not be the only one moving around. :)

So enough of my lame babbling (but hey, the title WAS 'there's something wrong...' you'd think you would've thought it through). I'm sure Camilla's got something quirky and philosophical to add! First, new years resolutions though...

Uhm... Well, you're not supposed to say them out loud are you? I'm thinking sharing them with the world counts! But I've got one or two, so... yay.

Love ya'll! Stay safe (that means no fire crackers into each other's eyes, it's such a bad idea, trust me), happy, and keep dreaming big. And remember the people you love like to be reminded of that... You never know when you won't have a chance to tell em again. Oooh! And spread the holiday magic (yes, I stubbornly refuse to believe there is none, despite all evidence of the contrary!)


Ps. *waves fist* Camilla! You mentioned the cookie club! You must now paaaaay *snatches chocolate chips*

Monday 22 December 2008


My brain is escaping through my a way, WAY too violent way...

Oh, and you know the cookie club *gets struck by lightning*

Camilla out.

Thursday 18 December 2008

Cookie club!

There are three rules of Cookie club....

Rule number one, you do not talk about cookie club!

Rule number two. You do not TALK about cookie club.

Rule number three... You. Do. Not. stop eating cookies because Cosmo told you to!


Oh, and, just to clarify this for everybody- YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT COOKIE CLUB. There, happy now?



Tuesday 2 December 2008


It is too much, that's what it is. Just way, WAY too much.

And what do I mean by that, you might wonder? Yes, pressure. There is too much pressure to do stuff that can't be done while the world is constantly working against you and forcing you down into the never-ending pit of darkness where you live. Deeper and deeper down you go until, finally, one day when you've forgotten what the light looks like. Then it's fine, then you can live in the pit, it's okay, you manage, it's fine.

But I don't want to be "fine". It's not okay, it just isn't.

Are you following me?

Are you getting what I'm saying?

I'm having one of those days when you remember the light so clearly and long for it so badly that you only want to lay down and die. Well, sort of. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suicidal, I'm really not. There's just something wrong with me. But I do feel like doing something else..., I gotta go now before I go too deep into it!

/Camilla out.

Monday 1 December 2008


People fall down like fall leaves, but like spring flowers they crawl up again. From the deepest pits of crap and hell fire, we always have a tendency to pick ourselves up from the worst of messes. Still, it doesn't mean its easy, or even always doable. It's a wierd wierd feelin when you think about how non-invincible we are, and how innocent some dreams of the future really are.

How things like money and age and timing, and where you're thrown into this circus of life, how they all affect the chances we've got for the future... Or how hard it is to push through all that and just focus on what you want. Because there're pleanty of distractions in the way, not in the least oneself. And dark cold nights of thinking too much...

What, over-thinking much? I have NO idea what you're talking about...

Did I mention I'm on a fruit 'diet', which basically means I eat a lot of fruit, and actually make those three meals a day. I'll blame all that fruity-vitaminy-ness for any wackness on here.

Bthw, CONGRATULATIONS to Camilla for being a grand winner of this years Nanowrimo, I'm so proud! And she didn't just score the word count, she actually took something great she had planned out and dreamed up in her head, and brought it onto paper to share with the world, and from what I've had the privvy to read, it's great...

Mark my words, one day this gal will change the world. In big ways. You better see it coming ;)
