Friday 20 November 2009

Dominatrix & the red fluffy handcuffs

Peaches here...

I feel like I should, at some point, re-evaluate some part of my life since these stories seem to pop up too frequently and too randomly. And by 'these stories' I mean all the insane things that come out of people's mouths (including my own).

So today's conversation pick -

Him "You know, I could picture you as a dominatrix."

Me "Please don't picture me. At all."

Him "Yep, can't you (waves at colleague)"

That guy "Yup!"

Him "See? (proud)"

Peaches "...Yes, well now that you've found my secret part time job... Whatever gave it away, the pictures, the handcuffs, the intense sarcasm?"

Him "Well, handcuffs mostly."

Peaches... "... (dammit) Right, you.. uhm... actually knew about those. Aaaanyways, lovely salad today!"

(*Him just so happens to be one of the people I work for on a very random lunch-break conversation.)

Is it just me this happens to continuously?

Anyways, off to enjoy cereal (the non-soggy kind) and some bad TV. Today also involved getting flu-jabs (me and then five 60+ers), throwing things at (!) the postman, and sugar-spiking tea. Oh, and chocolate chip cookies for lunch.


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