Tuesday, 24 November 2009

The P-word


That's the one. And in a more complete context 'what to do when you walk in on your coleagues watching porn when you're getting lunch?' Well, number one is of course to mock them shamelessly. Number two, play on their slightly guilty feelings. And number three, when they start noticing you're a girl talking to them in the same room as the porn tv, and start kinda staring at you, back away slowly, maintain eye contact, continue mocking IN HEAD.


Oh, the love of work. So far today I have also learnt I am about ten years behind in studies, regardless of the the University diploma on the wall says... or, ehm, I put it up there at one point and now it's hidden somewhere behind the postcard-collection.

Anyways, reading 'the Producer's Blueprint', wondering what on earth to do with the script and the red marker pen, and feeling slightly guilty over the fact that I may have just cost a 'friend' a few grand... Uhm. Loyalty issues anyone? What to do when the occassionally creepy guy you sorta hang out with on occassion cause you're sorta friends coudn't care less about the freelance job you got your boss to give him and said boss then asks 'what do you think of this mess?'

Normally I'd say 'shove it'. But instead, today, I said 'well, it's hard to say as I have a personal relationship outside of work with this guy. But no, I wouldn't hire him to my own company if I ever had one.'

I feel a massive Karma backlash coming on from that one.

xo Peaches

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