Saturday 17 January 2009

Peaches updates....

Yes, it is a miracle... Peaches found her way to the computer again.

I must say I am rather impressed by myself. I managed to go without the obbsessive compulsive computer-ness thing for almost two weeks, not even missing it. Oh, and I was exhausted for most of that time too, so that's part of the excuse. Been reading books tho, bunches of em too... so, yay.

Oh, and I was waiting for a buddy at Borders the other day. Which, fyi, I've found out is a BAD idea. Turns out leaving me alone with big 'Sales' sign posters and books ends up with... well, three books for the bookshelf.

What else... Well, I was reading Camilla's last point. About the whole self-image thing. Interesting stuff... Granted, I've gotta tell ya lot she's a beauty and has a super-model's body (everyone secretly hates her for that, haha). More than that she is unique, both in apperance & personality. I honestly think that's one of the more rare things, and she will go far. She's like one of those precious diamonds amidst ashes. You see it, and you just know how amazing it's gonna turn out, and you know you're so lucky to be close enough to see it happen...

And for the record, opposition! What, un-natural stress, constant nausea until it's over, and paranoid ideas gettin stuck in your head. Whoever claimed oppositions on Bachelor essay's were bad for your psyche????! ;)

So what of the new year then? (and why do I always end up writing these long booring posts)?

I'm enrolled in an evening class, yay. Finally did it. Am gonna dare learn how to plug stuff into each other, and hit the light switch... more fun than it sounds really. Was sorta nervous about the ppl, but hey everyone seems cool. Everyone from age 17-105... interesting.

Speaking of which, had Pizza with one of the class boys. Nice dude, real fun to talk to. Course, then mid-way through I catch him looking at me in this deep meaningful way. Course I panic and start babbling on about the relationship between chocolate and crazy people. Good friend material, def...

Then there's the boy dubbed, by Camilla no less, 'coffee boy dude'. Texting is the confusion of the modern world... That's all I'll say. Oh, and the fact that I'm coming off as crazy and obbsesive. Again. Even tho I'm actually quite fed up with the whole 'games' thing... why oh why must things be complicated.

Oh, and then there's the whole economy going down the drain thing. Course, it'll stop at some point, turn around, and head for the better. Doesn't mean we're not all running the 'redundancy' risk at the mo... Whoever knew that word could be such an awfully mass-feared one-man-show sentence. Blah...

AND! My cup cakes tasted funny. the CUP CAKES! I'll just have to stick to making choc-chip then... it's all I know. For real. Sad sad sad...

Oh, and apparently I'm fat. Or so they told me, to my face, which bthw is not doing wonders for the self-esteem. And I always considered myself quite sure on that side. But you get it in your head, and you hate it but it festers and you start thinking... glancing at the scale. realizing you're riddiculously under-weight, but thinking... why are my cheeks so big?????!

Stupid stupid obbsession... Oh, and I miss Camilla. thankfully I'll see her at the end of the month, salvage SOME sanity.

Love to ya'll...

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