Thursday 30 October 2008

Troublemaker... and cold spots

Peaches here...

I just got cut off early in my daily phone shop time with Camilla :(... Just to clarify, I quite miss her.

So the day then? Well, as you might have heard the years are swooshing by and now this big circle of friends have become classified as official adults... Okay, sure, that's wishful thinking, it happened a couple of years ago. One of those dear friends hit the twenty-five mark almost a year ago (so I could have just said is almost reaching twenty-six, but hey that'd have been too mathematical for me), and I just spent some well needed phone time with her. Turns out a lot has changed in the months Peaches here has been attempting to be doing 'big changing things' a couple of countries away.

See, she is thinking about marriage. You know, wedding bands and dresses and cards... And of course, most importantly (to some ppl), the other person... Sometimes I can't help but wonder if this is a topic the boys simply do not think about all that much. There must be a reason it comes up in so many conversations between girls! Apart from the fact that we are culturally imprinted to be whiny/lacking in self-esteem/boob-and-wrinkles paranoid. Anyways, not the point.

This whole marriage thing. They are complete opposites, and they have had ups and downs that have landed tears and laughter within minutes of each other. I have called him a looser (which I will not include in my wedding toast) and she has called him... many things. Including safe. And a boy. Because at the end of the day, she wants a boy. The security of someone who wants you. Plus a career.

Don't get me wrong, these are all good things. If it's real, bloody 'ell I hope I have grown enough to know to hold onto that if it does swing by my life.... It makes me start to wonder though, what will I tell her when we're on the phone and she is crying again. Will I even be the one she calls, or will I have moved so far away that I remember our fights better than our friendship?

Sorry, a bit too serious a posting... I will lighten it up by sharing with ya'll that I today made a very important conclusion with regards to cold, food, tea bags, and winter jackets. If you are shaking and forget your name while answering the phone (at work), and your solution is to work steam therapy with your throat and the tea-pot, you may feel a slight bit of nausea that will result in a lack of lunch and sitting huddled in a corner wearing a winter jacket while humming songs in foreign languages... (still at work)

I am off to take a shower now... Just, you know, keeping you informed.

Stay safe out there...

Why is it we never settle for the simple things, before it's too late...

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